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Double Column (5 Face) Machining


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APEC GANTRY TYPE 5 AXES CNC DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER Year: 2022 Model: G3060-5L Controller: Heidenhain TNC640 X/Y/Z axis travel: 6,000/3,000/1,000mm Spindle nose to table surface: 280-1,280mm Table size: 6,000x3,000mm Table loading: 8,000kg/m2 Spindle speed: 15,000rpm (Built-in type) HSK 100A / 40ATC A axis swivel range: +125 ~ -125゜ C axis swivel range: 360゜ X/Y/Z Linear guide way Spindle coolant system Through spindle coolant system Tool length measurement(BLUM) Work piece measurement(BLUM) Air conditioner for electrical cabinet Heidenhain Linear scale Chip conveyor + bucket 5 axis auto compensation system




Year: 2013 Model: GM30/50 Controller: Heidenhain iTNC530 X/Y/Z axis travel: 5,360/3,000/1,000mm Dist. Btw columns: 4,848mm Table size: 3,000x5,000mm Spindle speed: 15,000rpm HSK A100 / 30ATC




Fanuc Controller 18-M




Year:2020 Model:HTP-5025YZF Controller:FANUC 0i-MF Table size:5,020 x 2,400 mm X/Y/Z axis travel:5,000/3,170/1,400 mm Spindle nose to table:200-1,600 mm Door height:1,600 mm Dist. Between column:2,700 mm Spindle speed:4,000 rpm (Gear driven) BT50 / 60T ATC (V+H) Auto head storage: Auto 90 degrees head (Max. 3,000 rpm) Auto universal head (A/C axis auto 5 degrees indexing, 3,000 rpm) Y axis 3 roller linear guide way / Z axis 4 roller linear guide way X/Y axis linear scale Oil skimmer Coolant thru spindle 20bar BLUM tool measuring system Air conditioner Chip conveyor Machine size:12,690 x 6,220 x 6,900 mm




Table: 6020x2400mm Travel: 6000x3300x760mm Distance between columns: 3500mm Controller: FANUC 18iMB




SEICOS Σ18M(F-18M)  T:1000*3350  S:3150*1000*450   100-10000rpm  BBT-50  ATC-30 1.5MPa  Center through coolant  Cylindrical interpolation  Helical inter pollution  Nikken Additional Axis CNC Rotary Table  CNC-300  Advanced control  Custom macro common variables 100   Program registration 100  Chip conveyor




FOURSTAR (YONGJU) XYZ:4200x1800x800,Controller;FANUC 0iMC,BT50,ATC:32T




S:4000x2600x1600,Column to Column:2800,FANUC,ATC:40T,BT50,6000rpm




NC device:Heian Fanuc 0i-MD XYZW:3100*2300*1000*900 Z-axis (table top surface to spindle end):200 to 1200 mm W axis (table top surface to brush tip):0 to 900mm Table:3100*2000mm Table top:With marking lines (500mm pitch, 3 horizontal lines/7 longitudinal lines) Shaft end:NT50 Spindle:3000~10000rpm ATC:8 Pull stud:P50T (MAS2 type) Power capacity:approx:30kw Dust collector (main shaft) inlet:φ200mm * 1 port Dust collection hopper:Inlet φ125mm * 2 ports ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, priority will be given to the actual product.




KAFO GANTRY TYPE 5 AXES CNC DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINE YEAR: 2019 Model: KG5A-2232 Controller: Heidenhain TNC640 X/Y/Z axis travel: 2200/3200/1100mm Dist. Between column: 4000mm Dist. from spindle to nose: 200-1300mm Table size: 2100x3100mm Table loading: 2500kgs Spindle motor: 25/30KW Spindle speed: 12000rpm(built-in type) 32ATC/HSKA100 X/Y/Z axis rapid feed rate: 20/20/20 m/min X/Y/Z axis cutting feed rate: 10 m/min Machine size: 3200/8000/5800mm Machine weight: 61000kgs 3 axes linear roller guide way




MSX-501Ⅲ(F-18iMB) T:1800*950*2APC S:2050*1000*600 Table-spindle:800 Table load:3000kg 8000rpm BBT-50 ATC-40 Memory-320m Spindle through coolant 3.5MPa Auto measuring system MP-7000 External M signal 10unit Scale feedback(X Y Z axis)




MSX-501Ⅲ(FANUC18iMB) Stroke: X3150Y1000Z600 T:3350*1000 Spindle turning speed: 15000rpm BT50 ATC-30 Touch censor Chip conveyor




Control: MSX-501Ⅲ(F-18iMB) (MAPPSⅢ) Table: 2000×850, Capacity: 2000kg Spindle: 8,000rpm, BT50,  ATC30 Travel: XYZ: 1600×860×600 Distance from table to spindle end: 200〜800 ・Through-spindle coolant(1.5MPa) ・W-Setter(manual tool and work piece measurement) ✴︎ Relocation detection device




Specifications OSP-U 100M T:1500*3800 width:2200 S:4000*2700*800


[Model]MCR BⅡ 30×50E-A


OSP-P200M(I-MAP)  Between column: 3050  T:2500*5100  T-slot :28H7*9 turret pitch S:5000*3700*800  W-1300  Table-Spindle:0-1650  ATC-50 Spindle10-6000rpm  BBT-50  Lading weight:33Ton Abso scale deedback X/Y/Z Main axis thermal displacement compensation  AAC 4station Tool length measuring system ①Universal head BC axis 1° indexing L=650 ②30°angle attachment index-5° L-470 ③90° angular head C-axis 1° indexing L-250  ④Extension attachment L-350 6000rpm  Spindle through coolant 2MPa Sysnchronized TAP Ⅱ Oil hole for each atachment  Inclined surface processing Helical inferporation  Work coordinate pair:200  Tool compensation 300 Chip conveyor




OSP-5020M Between column:2050 T:5100*1500 S:5000*3000*650*1100(10P) Distance from table to spindle:1425 30-4000rpm BT-50 ATC-70 Table load:20ton 2*AAC Angular attachment:90° ATATC


[Model]MCR-BⅡ 30×40


OSP-E100M S:5000*3700*1000 (absolute scale) W axis:1300mm / 3m/min (absoscale) T:3800*2500 10~6000rpm BBT50 ATC100 【attachment】 Extension head:MAX6000rpm Acceleration extension head: 5000~10000rpm/5 ° indexing 90 ° angular head: MAX3000rpm / 5 ° index Super-NURBS (Type B) Memory:4096KB/2048KB DNC-B Synchronous tap II ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.




OSP-7000L(I-MAP) Between column:3050 T:2500*4700 S:X5000*Y3700*Z800*W1300 ATC-120 Spindle:10-4000rpm BBT-50 Pallet-Spindle:1900 AAC 3station・Extension attachment L-350 / 90°angle attachment index-5°  Sysnchronized TAPII Abso scale deedback X/Y/Z  Oil hole drill Coolant cooler Coolant tank 1200L Coolant filter system  Helical inferporation  Slant cutting  Memory 2560m Tool compensation 200set  User task2 Coordinate calculation Video simulation




OSP-P200M(I-MAP)3D-D Between column:3550 T:3000*6600 S:X6500*Y4500*Z1000*W1300 High column600 Table-spindle:0-2200 ATC-72 Max load:47Ton Spindle10-4000rpm BT-50 BIG plis specification AAC 3 dstation Extention head L-350 90°Angular head C axis 1° L-250 90°Angular head C axis 5° L-470 Rigid TAP II Oil hole oil hole high / low pressure switching Oil hole for each atachment Inclined surface processing Helical inferporation Work coordinate pair:200 Tool compensation 300 Real 3D simulation


[Model]MCV-21/41 MCV-16/20


MCV-21/41 X4000*Y2300*W1300*Z400 ATC50 COLUMNWIDTH 2050 FANUC 18ιMB ----------------------------- MCV-16/20 Column width 1650 Table:1200*2100 XYZW:2100*1600*1000*400 ATC-70 OSP 5000MG


[Model]MCV-A 20×40


OSP-5020M Between column:2050 T:4100*1500 S:4000*2000*450*1150 Table to soindle:0-1500 Max load:12t 30-2000rpm BT-50 ATC-24 Tool compensation:100 Tape length Angle attachment 90°Manual Coordinate calculation Area cutting Rigid TAP-II Helical interporation


[Model]MCV-AⅡ 20×40


OSP-P-200M  Between column: 2050  T:4100*1500  Max load:12ton  S:X4000*Y2000*Z450*W1150   Angle head  Table to Spindle: 0-1510 30-4000rpm  BT-50  ATC-24 Inductsin feedback X Y Zaxis   Hi speed interpolation NURBS Super Hi-NC  3D tool offset  Tool offset:300pairs Herical interpolation  Synchonized TAP  Area cutting Common variables: 200 pairs  Coordinate calculation  Coordinate system selection: 200 pairs 


[Model]MCV-AⅡ 20×40-S


OSP-P-300MA NML-D  0.1μm Control  Betweencolumn:2050 T:4100*1500  Table load:12t S:4000*2000*450   W-1150 Table to spindle:0-1510 30-6000rpm  BT-50  22Kw  ATC-24  User task 2  Helical interpolation  Arbitrary angle chamfering 3D circular interpolation  3D tool offset  Super-NURBS Program store 4GB  Program buffer 2MB Tool offset 999sets  Work coordinate 200sets




OSP7000M T:1500x3100mm Guntry width:2,050mm X3000 Y2000 Z450mm 4,000rpm ATC24 BT50




OSP-7000M Between column:1650 T:1200*3100 S:X3000*Y1600*Z450*W1000 Table-spindle:0-1380 Max load:8000Kg 30-4000rpm BT-50 ATC-24 Tool compansation: 100 sets Coordinate calculation  Area cutting User task2  DNC-B  Hi2-NC




OSP-P-200M I-MAP Between column: 2050 T:4100*1500 Max load:12t S:X4000*Y2000*Z450*W1150 Angle head Table to Spindle: 0-1510 30-4000rpm BT-50 ATC-50 Tool offset:300 Helical interporation Common variable number:200 Work coordinate pair:200




Year: 2014 Model: HSA-427 Controller: FANUC 0iMD X/Y/Z axis travel: 4,000/2,700/1,000mm Spindle nose to table surface: 210~1,280mm Dist. between columns: 2,800mm Table size: 4,000x2,200mm Spindle speed: 6,000rpm(Gear driven) BT50 / 40ATC XYZ linear guide way Manual 90 degree head Spindle oil cooler Oil skimmer Air conditioner Chip conveyor




Table: 5200*2100mm Travel: X5050*Y3200*Z1100 Distance between columns: 2500mm Controller: FANUC CAI300 ATC: 90T Year: 2007




◆Control device: F-31iMB5 ◆Effective distance between columns: 3000 ◆X-axis movement: 6250 ◆Y-axis movement: 3700+AACst.850 ◆Z-axis movement: 800 ◆W-axis movement: 1200 ◆Work surface size: 5000*2500 ◆Workpiece allowable mass: 20000 ◆Fast forward speed X, Y-axis: 20m/min ◆Fast forward speed Z-axis: 12m/min ◆Fast forward speed W-axis (position Only for setting): 2.5/3.0 (50/60Hz) m/min ◆Cutting feed rate, combined feed rate (X, Y, Z axis) 1 to 15000 mm/min ◆Individual feed rate X, Y axis: 1 to 15000 mm/min ◆Individual feed rate Z axis: 1 to 12000 mm/min ◆Electric motor for spindle: VAC37/30kw ◆Spindle ISO No.50 (2-sided restraint) ◆ATC 60 pieces ◆Chip conveyor 3 type ◆Air blow ◆Automatic tool length measurement/automatic correction function (touch type) ◆Z-axis thermal variation correction function (extension and high-speed extension) ◆Axle core oil supply block (oil hole holder type) ◆Spindle end 2-sided restraint supported ◆ Constant load control ◆Floor fixed operation panel ◆Splash cover ◆ATT included contents 1. Extension attachment  L=600㎜,No.50,6000min-1(37/30kw) 2.High speed extension attachment L=600mm, No.50, 4000~15000min-1(15/11kw) 3.90 degree angular attachment  L=500㎜,No.50,4000min-1(37/30kw) ✤If there is a difference between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will take precedence.




FANUC-0M ATC-24 with manual angular attachment 1600*300




Fanuc-18iMB T:2000x5000 2APC BBT50 4500rpm ATC60 angular 5degree




FANUC-15M Gate width: 2400 T: 4000*2000 ST: X4250Y2400Z600W1100 Spindle: BT50 6000rpm ATC-40 AAC2 units: 90 degrees 30 degrees Chip conveyor Scale: XYZ




FANUC-15MB T:2000*3000 S:X3250Y2550Z600W1100 BT50 350~6000rpm ATC-40




Fanuc-15M Between column:2300 Pallet:1950*5000*2APC Pallet: 900*1950*4APC S:7750*3850*750*700 4axis NC control 10-2000rpm BT-50 ATC-80 AAC Pallet~Spindle:1350 Max load:6ton




Fanuc-30iMA T:4,000x2,000mm Between Column:2,850mm BT50 6,000rom ATC60 universal head X:4250 Y:2900 Z:600 W:850 B:±95 C:±360 ATC60 BT50




XYZ:5200x2600x1000,Fanuc Controller 0i-MD




Year: Nov. 2012 Model: MG-530 Controller: FANUC 31i-MB X/Y/Z axis travel: 5,000/3,000/1,000mm Dist. from spindle nose to table: 400-1,400mm Column add 200mm Dist. between columns: 3,800mm Table size: 5,000x2,800mm Max. table load: 2,500kg/m2 Spindle speed: 12,000rpm (Built-in) Spindle motor (Cont./30min): 22/26kW BBT50 / 32ATC X/Y/Z axes linear scale




Year: 2013 Model: RB-212 Controller: FANUC 31iMB X/Y/Z axis travel: 2,000/1,200/800mm Table size: 2,000x1,100mm Distance between columns: 1,310mm Spindle speed: 10,000rpm (Direct driven) BT50 / 32ATC XYZ axes linear guide way XYZ axes linear scale Air conditioner Oil skimmer Chip conveyor+bucket


[Model]VARIAXIS 730 5XⅡ


MATRIX(monitoring systemB) T:620*500  ATC-40  Loading workpiece: Φ1000*340h (Φ730*500h) S:730*850*560 A-0.0001 C-0.0001° A-30° to -120° C-0.0001° C-axis A-30° to -120° C-±360° X-, Y-, Z-axis ball screw shaft center cooling 10000rpm BT-50 AC30Kw (40HP) X, Y, Z, A, C axis scale feedback Hydraulic jig attachment Spindle synchronous TAP Rotation axis type compensation Spindle through coolant 600 common variables Monitoring system B Spiral interpolation Threading function Polar coordinate input  Miss collector




Fanuc 31i-MODELA5 ATC32 BT50 Dual Contact T: 1800×1200 10000rpm Gate Width 1480 S: 1800×1200×1200 (option) Optial Scale feedback XYZ axes Center Through Flood Coolant (3.5MPa) 1-axis Additional Functions (A-axis NIKKEN Rotary Table CNC601FA) Tool Breakage Detection (BLUM NT-H)





YEONG CHYN CNC DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER Year: 2010 Model: YC-10045CNC Controller: FANUC 18iMB X/Y/Z axis travel: 11,000/4,500/800mm Vertical spindle travel: 800mm Horizontal spindle travel: 800mm Dist. between columns: 4,600mm Door height: 2,600mm Table size: 10,500x3,510mm Table loading: 40,000kg Spindle speed: 4,500rpm (Gear type) BT50 / 24ATC 90 degree head With optical linear scales*6

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