Inventory List for Sale
All Categories:2025/02/10~2025/02/16:30

XYZ movement amount: 1270*1270*300, AF2000i-C-LU2.5 2kw, Chiller Dust Collector Dryer for purge, NC:AMNC-FANUC

Max processing size: 1250*1250 AF2000E 2kw Chiller Dust Collector NC:F-16i-L

[Model]DMU65 monoBlock
Controller : 840Dsl Operate(CELOS) ) Siemens Table siz : φ650 in 800 x 650 mm Travel X : 735 Y : 650 Z : 560 mm A : ±120° C : 360° Spindle taper : HSK-A63 Spindle speed : 15,000 rpm ATC : 90 stations Machine height : 2,897 mm Machine weight : 12,000 kg In-machine measuring device (spindle) (SK40) Renishaw PP60 3D Quick Set ATC (Application Tuning Cycle) NC controlled tilt rotary table C-axis direct drive (A-axis tandem) Production package 8MPa/980L, frequency control Coolant temperature control device (for 980L/1300L tank) Air blast (spindle center through air) Mist collector interface In-machine tool measuring device Bloom Operation mode 4 (conditional release of interlock) High precision specification Signal light 4 colors / Frequency 60 Hz specification Tropical package (for machine ambient temperature up to 50°C) Manual pulse handle / Coolant gun Safety package (for power outages) ----------------------------------------------- Comment from the person in charge!! This is a brand new item that we are now able to offer due to a cancellation! As of 2025, the price for a new item is over 90 million yen, and we have heard that the delivery time is about one year, so this may be a good time to use your budget at the end of the fiscal year!! Please contact us!!

◆Motor capacity: 0.75KW ◆Crushing chamber dimensions: 410*310 ◆Reference processing capacity: 0.5 to 0.1 ◆Reference volume reduction rate: 1/2 to 1/4 ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, priority will be given to the actual product.

◆Motor capacity: 0.75KW ◆Crushing chamber dimensions: 410*310 ◆Reference processing capacity: 0.5 to 0.1 ◆Reference volume reduction rate: 1/2 to 1/4 ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, priority will be given to the actual product.

◆Motor capacity: 0.75KW ◆Crushing chamber dimensions: 410*310 ◆Reference processing capacity: 0.5 to 0.1 ◆Reference volume reduction rate: 1/2 to 1/4 ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, priority will be given to the actual product.

◆Motor capacity: 0.75KW ◆Crushing chamber dimensions: 410*310 ◆Reference processing capacity: 0.5 to 0.1 ◆Reference volume reduction rate: 1/2 to 1/4 ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, priority will be given to the actual product.

◆Motor capacity: 0.75KW ◆Crushing chamber dimensions: 410*310 ◆Reference processing capacity: 0.5 to 0.1 ◆Reference volume reduction rate: 1/2 to 1/4 ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, priority will be given to the actual product.

T:1300*290, S(XYZ):710*280*400, Spindle:#50 60~1800rpm, 2-axis digital


OSP-P300LA 8inch 3jaw (Solid) 5000rpm Max machining dia×length φ410×150 V12 S: 260×350 Chip Conveyer tool setters Automatic door Gantry Loader Stocker (10ST 2lifter)

OSP-P300L 8inch 3jaw Hollow 5000rpm Max machining dia×length φ410×150 V12 S: 260×350 tool setters Automatic door

Fanuc-20iT Swing over bed:510mm Swing over saddle:270mm 1500rpm Center:1010mm