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distance between centers:150 shake:180 Maximum processing diameter:50 Whetstone:Outer diameter355*width 50* inner diameter 127 Spindle rotational speed: 50~1400min-1 Spindle:MT No. 2 Table turning angle:± 1 ° Coolant tank:150L ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

3 claws 6 inch chuck Bed swing:320 On the carriage swing:160 center:750~800 spindle hole throgh:35 125~3000rpm ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

Multifunctional type Fanuc-10T Y-axis C-axis Number of rotary tools 3550rpm S:135*100*190 Spindle inner diameter:φ53 Max processing length:250 12-station turret

Spindle turning speed:40~4000rpm S:(1)X160*Z400*Y±50 S(2):X100*Z190 Turret:T1 for 14-station / T2 for 8-station

Spindle turning speed:190,310,515,850,1400rpm Max movement amount of the table horizontal feed: manual 150mm auto 80mm Max turning angle of the table:±4.5° Auto table feeding speed(3 steps):110-2700mm/min Max movement amount of the wheel base to front & back:30mm Max turning angle of the wheel base:±90°
Turning speed:5000-6000rpm Spindle turning speed:190,310,515,850,1400rpm Max workpiece diameter:φ35 Minimum φ0.8mm Distance between center:150mm Max movement amount of the table horizontal feed: manual 150mm auto 80mm Max turning angle of the table:±4.5° Auto table feeding speed(3 steps):50-1120mm/min Max movement amount of the wheel base to front & back:30mm Max turning angle of the wheel base:±90°

Fanuc-0iMC 2000rpm X200 Y200 Z250mm BT15 ATC20 T:400x200mm

Thread out Dia Meter (Min-Max): 5 - 75 mm Max.Thread Length: 147 mm

Swing : Ф180 Between Centers : 250mm Fanuc Series 21i-TB Automatic Loading is available.

Center:250 Swing:φ180 Max processing diameter:50 Grindstone (Outer Diameter*Width*Inner Diameter):355*50*127 NC:FANUC 0i-TD

Fanuc-0iTD 6"chuck Hydraulic Swing over bed:260mm XZ:300×300mm


C2A-017 SN:3386 Pallet(パレット):8 Fanuc 15M STROKE(行程) Speed(速度):12m/min XYZ:560x350x580 Distance between Pallet Surface to Spindle Center (工作台至軸心距離): 50~400mm ↓ Pallet(台面) ↓ Pallet Angle(台面角):450x450mm Loading Size(乘載尺寸):450x450x400mm Loading Mass(乘載重):250Kg ↓ Main Axis(主軸) ↓ Spindle Taper(主軸端):NT40 Spindle Hole(主軸徑):⌀80mm RPM:35-6000 ATC:32、(62、126)

FUANU-18iTB Max. machining: φ26 Max. machining length: 250 Max. drilling diameter: φ16 Max. tapping: M12 Main spindle* speed: 6000rpm 5.5/7.5Kw Spindle index : 5° (72 divisions) Collet chuck specification Tool post: T1: 7 bytes □16 Tool post: T2 (turret) 8 square Back spindle: 5000rpm 2.2/3.7Kw Collet chuck spec. Stroke: X1: 35 Y1: (T1): 240 Z1(spindle): 250 X2(T2): ±40 Alps bar feeder: with PFV2S Workpiece discharge conveyor Rear spindle with T2 turret Y-axis

FANUC-31i-B5 8"chuck 5000rpm A-axis: 6"chuck 7000rpm ST:750 Milling: C4 10000rpm ATC-30 ST:X580Y430Z400 B-axis: -15°~195° 0.001 indexing Chip conveyor IKURA Bar Feeder SS65VR

TU-FA-31i-B Processing diameter: 20Φ Main axis: 10000rpm with C axis Back axis: 12000rpm with C axis Stroke: Z1:332 X1:31 Y1:226 Z2:285 X2:285 Z3:60 X3:115 Y3:±35 Bar Feeder:ASR X-20P Chip conveyor