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S:600*260*390 T:1100*260 NST No.40 75-3600rpm Spindle head turning angle 45° ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

T:1100*260 S:600*285*400 70-4000rpm spindle taper JIS No.40 ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

S:700*240*410 Table:1300*270 Spindle NST No.50 56-1503rpm Column sliding surface width:280 ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

Maximum travel distance:750*270*450 Size of work surface:1350*270 T groove (number * width * distance):3*16*60 Spindle taper:NST No. 50 Spindle rotational speed:68 to 1760 Spindle end to table top:450 Spindle center-front of column:300 ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

S:750*270*450 T:1350*270 NST No.50 68~1760rpm ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

Turning speed:165-1750rpm(50Hz)195-2100rpm(60Hz) Swing:450mm S:120mm

Turning speed:230~2080rpm T:250*250 S:75 Capacity: Tapper 8mm Drill 13mm

Auto feeding Spindle vertical movement:140mm Table vertical movement:620mm Table diameter:φ400

200V 13mm ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

13mm Swing:350m/m Stroke:80m/m Rotation speed (50Hz) 500-2500rpm (60Hz) 500-3000rpm 100V No Tap,only a drill can be used. ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

φ500 Drilling capacityφ32 Tap:M16 0.75Kw 155-1500rpm MT-3 Quill-140

100V Swing:350m/m CAPACITY:13mm Stroke:80m/m Motor:200W ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

200V Swing:350mm CAPACITY:13mm Table:(corner) 250*250/(round) 270m/m Stroke:80mm (50/60Hz) 500-2500/600-3000rpm ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

200V SWING:350mm CAPACITY:13mm STROKE:80mm SPEED (50/60Hz) 500-2500/600-3000rpm Column diameter:80mm

S:600*260*390 Table work surface:1100 * 260 Spindle:NST No.40 75~3600rpm Distance from spindle end to table top surface:110 to 500 Spindle head turning angle:45° ✤If there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will prevail.

T:1350*270 Stroke: X750Y270Z450 Spindle: NT50 68~1760spm 12-gears

working surface 1100×450, Table max travel(X.Y.Z)800×450×510, cutting feed rate (each axis)1~5000mm/min, Rapid feed rate (X、Y、Z):18000×18000×15000mm/min, BT50, spindle speeds 20~6000rpm, ATC 24, FANUC 16M, Main motor 10HP