O-M Product List
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φ5500 mm TOTAL SWING Table:φ2000+φ4000mm Work height:1600mm Ram tilt:30° Table load:20t tool Bit: 38mm 37Kw
Max turning dia7000 table dia3000 Fanuc 0T-B max height between table and toolholder2200 max weight of work piece 15Ton veritcal traverse of toolhead 1200 ATC 40 main motor 45kw×6P
φ5500 Table:φ2000+φ4000 Machining H:1600 Ram tilt:30° Table load 20t Max turning 4000kg/m Max machining 3000kg Bite:□40 Main motor:37Kw4P
VTO-12 - Table dia 1200 - Max Turning dia 1600mm - max turning height above table 1030mm(920) - max weight of work piece 4000kg - vertical traverse of turret head 700 - Range of table speed 3.6~180rpm - main motor 22/18.5
L1C-003 4000Φ × 1500H × 20T TABLE DIA.(MM):1800Φ MAX. WORK WT:15T SPINDLE SPEED(RPM):120 STROKE:MAXIMUM DIA.Φ2500 STROKE:WORKPIECE HEIGHT 1800 Machine has been disassemble into parts in order to fit in container for shipping purpose.